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Let's co-create!

Our top designers listen to your brand’s special needs to sketch and shape a better future together with you. By blending revolutionary and sustainable design to craft remarkable products. Create endless shapes, finishes and light effects through 3D printing technology.



Step by step co-creation

Discover our simple 6 steps process.

  1. Share, Start by sharing your project and inspiration.

  2. Sketch, Together we create the first rough sketches.

  3. Select, Next we select and finalize your preferred design.

  4. Specify, Here's where we render and add final prices and specifications.

  5. Prototype, Time to finalize the prototype with your feedback.

  6. Print! All's ready to print and deliver your creation quickly.

Elevate your brand experience by configurating your 3D lighting objects

Create decorative and functional lighting that fit your brand and style.

Start customizing now

Ease the design process with our tailored product series

Order our lookbook

Curious what sustainable innovation can look like and bring your brand? Order our recycled paper edition or, even more environmental friendly, download the digital copy.

Let's co-create and bring new ideas to live

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