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Bemerkenswert | Nachhaltig | Konfigurierbar
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"Es schimmert wirklich wie Samt, das Muster ist einfach umwerfend"

Wir brauchten einen globalen Maßstab

Wir entwerfen für neue Ladenmodelle und Eröffnungen in der ganzen Welt, für alle unsere 38.000 Restaurants. Wir haben eine Reihe von Anforderungen, die nicht diskutierbar sind. Es gibt also keine Lösungen von der Stange. Wir wollen die IP-Rechte besitzen und brauchen eine skalierbare Lösung mit kurzer Vorlaufzeit. Außerdem muss die Lösung sehr langlebig sein und wir wollen sie zu wettbewerbsfähigen Kosten.

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A mission (im)possible

For one of our latest designs, called a touch of archery, the key feature was a customized, hemispherical, translucent pendant lighting. Which should shimmer like velvet. And the embossed patron should be slightly darker. But in a warm tone. Plus we wanted a different patron on the top of the luminaire. Which would require a very difficult mold. We couldn’t find a solution. It couldn’t be produced…

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Cooperation is key

Until I saw the 3D-printing capabilities of Philips MyCreation on social media. And I thought, this could be a good idea! So I gave them a buzz. I said hey this is the design, this is the task. Can you do this? Yes, they said. Sure we can. And they succeeded! With the design intent, the drawings, and the idea in mind, we started the conversation with Philips MyCreation. And did two rounds of samples. After we saw the second sample we were so close to the original design intent, we never thought that this could be possible. We had the final round of samples approved in less than 3 months! Which is an unbelievable speed when it comes to the production of a pendant light. This whole process exceeded our expectations by far.

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Prioritizing sustainability

McDonald's has ambitious targets for sustainability. In 2030 we want to reduce our carbon footprint by 60%. So every element counts. After we fixed the design part we recognized that with 3D printing we would also benefit from using sustainable materials. Philips MyCreation was able to deliver sustainably on a global scale by pushing the point of production closer to the point of use. This also helps solve the huge issue of speed. We are hoping to have the Philips MyCreation lighting solution in more than 100 countries across the globe in our McDonald’s stores in 2023. From Argentina to Japan. From Alaska to Australia. Also, having no stock gives us a huge benefit: it makes us flexible and it helps reducing costs.

Die Ergebnisse

Es schimmert wirklich wie Samt. Das Muster ist einfach atemberaubend. Die Art und Weise, wie wir mit Philips MyCreation zusammengearbeitet haben, war ein großer Lerneffekt für uns. Ihre Fähigkeiten. Der Innovationsanteil. Wir waren froh, in ihnen einen perfekten Partner zu finden, der auf globaler Ebene liefern kann. Wann immer es um neue Designs geht, wird Philips MyCreation unser erster Ansprechpartner sein, um einzigartige Leuchten zu entwerfen und zu entwickeln.

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Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam neue Ideen entwickeln und umsetzen